About This Site

In the world of computing, managing and analyzing information has always involved the use of multiple technologies, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and perspectives.  These differences often result in significant divides that must be bridged.  One of the most significant divisions is, and has always been, the one caused by the computational and expressive differences between databases and programming languages.  It does not have to be so.   This site explores the reasons why along with the math, science, and technologies that yield real and practical solutions.

About Me

I am an entrepreneur and innovator in the world of large-scale analytic data and its uses.  At the beginning of the relational era, I and two partners cofounded of a successful company that delivered data intensive analytic tools and solutions to the investment community and other markets.  Those tools and solutions were delivered using an innovative database-programming language hybrid capable of representing and scaling complex business logic to large, database sized problems.